ELIAS P. GYFTOPOULOS(1927-2012)Main Scientific Publications
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1. G.N. Hatsopoulos and E.P. Gyftopoulos
Thermionic Energy Conversion, Vol. 1, Processes and Devices
MIT Press (1973)
2. E.P. Gyftopoulos, L.J. Lazaridis, and T.F. Widmer
Potential Fuel Effectiveness in Industry
(Report to The Ford Foundation Energy Policy Project)
Ballinger Publishing Co. (1974)
3. G.N. Hatsopoulos and E.P. Gyftopoulos
Thermionic Energy Conversion, Vol. 2, Theory, Technology, and Application
MIT Press (1979)
4. E.P. Gyftopoulos, Editor-in-Chief
Industrial Energy Conservation Manuals, Volumes 1 to 17,
MIT Press (1982)
5. E.P. Gyftopoulos and G.P. Beretta
Thermodynamics: Foundations and Applications
Macmillan Publishing Co. (1991)
Reissued by Dover Publications, 2005 and 2010. 756 pages. ISBN
Book Review by P.T. Landsberg in Nature, Vol. 356, 28 (1992)
Book Review by M. Silvestri in Int. J. Theor. Appl. Mechanics, Vol.28, 354 (1993)
6. E.P. Gyftopoulos and G.P. Beretta
Thermodynamics: Foundations and Applications, Translation in Greek.
Tziolas Publications, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2007, 1015 pages, ISBN:
1. E.P. Gyftopoulos and L.G. DeSobrino
Variational Calculation of Control Rod Reactivity
Nuclear Sci. & Eng., 6, pp. 135-139 (1959)
2. E.P. Gyftopoulos and H.B. Smets
Transfer Functions of Distributed Parameter Nuclear Reactor Systems
Nuclear Sci. & Eng., 5, pp. 405-414 (1959)
3. H.B. Smets and E.P. Gyftopoulos
The Application of Topological Methods to the Kinetics of Homogeneous
Nuclear Sci. & Eng., 6, pp. 341-349 (1959)
4. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Nuclear Energy and Economic Growth
Chronica, 25B, pp. 1-7 (1960)
5. E.P. Gyftopoulos and J. Devooght
Boundedness and Stability in Nonlinear Reactor Dynamics
Nuclear Sci. & Eng., 7, pp. 533-540 (1960)
6. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Theory and the Wave Function
Chronica, 25A, pp. 165-174 (1960)
7. E.P. Gyftopoulos and J. Devooght
Effect of Delayed Neutrons on Nonlinear Reactor Stability
Nuclear Sci. & Eng., 8, pp. 244-250 (1960)
8. E.P. Gyftopoulos and P.M. Coble
A Digital Nuclear Reactor Control System
Trans. AlEE, No. 51, pp. 305-313 (1960)
9. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Applications of Geometric Theory to Nonlinear Reactor Dynamics
Nuclear Sci. & Eng., 10, pp. 254-258 (1961)
10. E.P. Gyftopoulos and J. Devooght
On the Range of Validity ofNonlinear Reactor Dynamics
Nuclear Sci. & Eng., 10, 4, pp. 272-376 (1961)
11. J.D. Balcomb, H.B. Demuth, and E.P. Gyftopoulos
A Cross-Correlation Method for Measuring the Impulse Response of Reactor
Nuclear Sci. & Eng., 11, pp. 159-166 (1961)
12. E.P. Gyftopoulos and J.D. Levine
Work Function Variation of Metals Coated by Metallic Films
Jour. of Appl. Phys., 33, pp. 67-73 (1962)
13. E.P. Gyftopoulos and G. N. Hatsopoulos
IEEE Trans., 82, pp. 108-116 (1963)
14. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Stability Criteria for a Class of Nonlinear Systems
J. of Information and Control, 6, pp. 276-396 (1963)
15. J.D. Levine and E.P. Gyftopoulos
Surface Science, I, pp. 171-193 (1964)
16. J.D. Levine, and E.P. Gyftopoulos
Surface Science, I, pp. 225-241 (1964)
17. J.D. Levine and E.P. Gyftopoulos
Surface Science, I, pp. 349-360 (1964)
18. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Work Function in the System Thorium Rhenium
J. Appl. Phys., 35, p. 464 (1964)
19. G.C. Theodoridis, and E.P. Gyftopoulos
Cesium Ion Beam Neutralization with Energetic Electrons
J. of AIAA, 3, pp. 1414-1417, August (1965)
20. H.L. Witting and E.P. Gyftopoulos
An Ionization Process in a Low-Energy Cesium Plasma
J. Appl. Phys., 36, pp. 1328-1337, April (1965)
21. D.R. Wilkins and E.P. Gyftopoulos
J. Appl. Phys., 37, pp. 2888-2891 (1966)
22. D.R. Wilkins and E.P. Gyftopoulos
J. Appl. Phys., 37, pp. 2892-2899 (1966)
23. S.H. Kyong and E.P. Gyftopoulos
A Direct Method for a Class of Optimal Control Problems
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, AC-13, pp. 240-245 (1968)
24. D.R. Wilkins and E.P. Gyftopoulos
Transport Phenomena in Low-Energy Plasmas
J. Appl. Phys., 37, pp. 3533-3540 (1966)
25. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Theoretical and Experimental Criteria for Nonlinear Reactor Stability
Nuclear Sci. & Eng., 26, pp. 26-33 (1966)
26. D.R. Wilkins and E.P. Gyftopoulos
J. Appl. Phys., 38, pp. 12-18 (1967)
27. L.R. Foulke and E.P. Gyftopoulos
Application of the Natural Mode Approximation to Space Time Reactor
Nuclear Sci. & Eng., 30, pp. 419-435 (1967)
28. E.P. Gyftopoulos and G.N. Hatsopoulos
Quantum-Thermodynamic Definition of Electronegativity
Proc. National Academy of Sciences, 60, pp. 786-793 (1968)
29. J.H. Keenan, E.P. Gyftopoulos, and G.N.
The Fuel Shortage and Thermodynamics: The Entropy Crisis
in Energy: Demand, Conservation, and Institutional Problems, Chapter 34,
edited by M.S. Macrakis, MIT Press, pp. 455-466 (1974)
30. R.L. Moore, E.P. Gyftopoulos, F.C. Schweppe, and
L.A. Gould
Adaptive Coordinated Control for Nuclear Power Plant Load Changes
Transactions IEEE Power Apparatus and System, PAS93, Issue 1, 1973 Power
Industry Computer Application Conference, Transactions Paper Abstracts, p.4,
pp. 180-186 (1973)
31. C.P. Tzanos, E.P. Gyftopoulos, and M.J. Driscoll
Optimization of Material Distributions in Fast Reactor Cores
Nuclear Sci. & Eng., 52, pp. 84-94 (1973)
32. J.H. Keenan, G.N. Hatsopoulos, and E.P. Gyftopoulos
Encyclopedia Britannica
on "Thermodynamics, Principles of"
Encyclopedia Britannica (1974 edition), pp. 290-315 (1974)
33. G.N. Hatsopoulos and E.P. Gyftopoulos
A Unified Quantum Theory of Mechanics and Thermodynamics. Part I:
Found. Phys., 6, 1, pp. 15-31 (1976)
34. G.N. Hatsopoulos and E.P. Gyftopoulos
A Unified Quantum Theory of Mechanics and Thermodynamics. Part IIa:
Available Energy
Found. Phys., 6, 2, pp. 127-141 (1976)
35. G.N. Hatsopoulos and E.P. Gyftopoulos
A Unified Quantum Theory of Mechanics and Thermodynamics. Part IIb:
Stable Equilibrium States
Found. Phys., 6, 4, pp. 439-455 (1976)
36. G.N. Hatsopoulos and E.P. Gyftopoulos
A Unified Quantum Theory of Mechanics and Thermodynamics. Part III:
Irreducible Quantal Dispersions
Found. Phys., 6, 5, pp. 561-570 (1976)
37. E.P. Gyftopoulos, G.N. Hatsopoulos, and T.F. Widmer
Increased Efficiency in Manufacturing: What Can Be Done
Professional Engineer, pp. 21-23, September (1977)
38. I. Papazoglou and E.P. Gyftopoulos
Markov Processes for Reliability Analyses of Large Systems
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, R-26, 3, pp. 232-237, August (1977)
39. T.F. Widmer and E.P. Gyftopoulos
Energy Conservation and a Healthy Economy
MIT Technology Review, pp. 1-12, June (1977)
40. G.N. Hatsopoulos, E.P. Gyftopoulos, R. Sant, and
T.F. Widmer
Capital Investment to Save Energy
Harvard Business Review, March (1978)
41. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Forbes Magazine, September 3 (1979)
42. M. Benedict and E.P. Gyftopoulos
Economic Selection of the Components of an Air Separation Process
in Thermodynamics: Second Law Analysis, ACS Symposium Series 122, pp.
61-76 (1980)
43. E.P. Gyftopoulos and G.N. Hatsopoulos
The Laws of Thermodynamics: A Necessary Complement to Quantum Physics
in "Thermodynamics: Second Law Analysis, ACS Symposium Series 122,
pp. 257-274 (1980)
44. E.P. Gyftopoulos and T.F. Widmer
Availability Analysis: The Combined Energy and Entropy Balance
in "Thermodynamics: Second Law Analysis, ACS Symposium Series 122,
pp. 61-76 (1980)
45. E.P. Gyftopoulos and T.F. Widmer
Benefit-Cost of Energy Conservation
in "Thermodynamics: Second Law Analysis, ACS Symposium Series 122,
pp. 131-142 (1980)
46. I.A. Papazoglou and E.P. Gyftopoulos
Nuclear Sci. & Eng., 73, pp. 1-18 (1980)
47. E.P. Gyftopoulos and T.F. Widmer
Cost-Effective Waste Energy Utilization
Annual Reviews of Energy, Volume 7, pp. 293-328 (1982)
48. G.P. Beretta, E.P. Gyftopoulos, J.L. Park, and G.H.
Quantum Thermodynamics: A New Equation of Motion for a Single Constituent
of Matter
Il Nuovo
Cimento, 82 B, pp. 169-191 (1984)
49. G.P. Beretta, E.P. Gyftopoulos, and J.L. Park
Quantum Thermodynamics: A New Equation of Motion for a General Quantum
II Nuovo
Cimento, 87 B, pp. 77-97 (1985)
"News and Views" Editorial Review by J. Maddox in Nature, Vol. 316, 11 (1985)
MIT TechTalk Note in the "Here and There" section, Vol. 30, no.7, Oct.2 (1985)
E.P. Gyftopoulos and W.J. DiBartola
Energy Conservation and
Productivity Improvements in Steel Plants
Energy, 12, 1183 (1987)
51. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Temperature: A Matter of Degrees
Letter to the Editor, Physics Today, pp. 148-149, September (1988)
52. E.P. Gyftopoulos and J.L. Park
Are There Foolish Questions in Quantum Physics
Letter to the Editor, Physics Today, pp. 98-99, April (1989)
53. G.P. Beretta and E.P. Gyftopoulos
Energy and Entropy Before Temperature and Heat
Atti dell' Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Messina, Vol. LXX, pp. 331-340 (1992)
Proceedings of the 1991 Taormina Conference on Thermodynamics, Edited
by P.V. Giaquinta, M. Vicentini Missoni and F. Wanderlingh
54. E.P. Gyftopoulos and G.P. Beretta
New Developments in Thermodynamics
Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 96, 892, pp.
210-214 (1993)
55. E.P. Gyftopoulos and G.P. Beretta
Entropy Generation in a Chemically Reacting System
J. of Energy Resources and Technology, 115, pp. 208-212 (1993)
56. E.P. Gyftopoulos, M.I. Flik, and G.P. Beretta
J. of Energy Resources and Technology, 116, pp. 136-139 (1994)
57. E.P. Gyftopoulos and E. Cubukcu
Entropy: Thermodynamic Definition and Quantum Expression
Phys. Rev. E 55, 4, pp. 3851-3858 (1997)
58. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Fundamentals of Analyses of Processes
Energy Conversion and Management J. 38, No. 15-17, pp. 1525-1533 (1997)
59. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Thermodynamic Definition and Quantum-Theoretic Pictorial Illustration of
J. of Energy Resources and Technology, 120, pp. 154-160 (1998)
60. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Pictorial Visualization of the Entropy of Thermodynamics
Int. J. Thermal Sciences, 38, pp. 741-757 (1999)
61. E.P. Gyftopoulos
International J. of Applied Thermodynamics, 1, (No. 1-4) pp. 9-19 (1998)
62. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Energy, 24, pp. 10351039 (1999)
63. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Entropies of Statistical Mechanics and Disorder Versus the Entropy of
Thermodynamics and Order
J. Energy Resources and Technology, 123, pp. 110-118, (2001)
64. E.P. Gyftopoulos
On the Curzon-Ahlborn Efficiency and its Lack of Connection to Power
Producing Processes
J. Energy Conversion and Management, 43, 5, pp. 609-615 (2002)
65. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Maxwell's demon. Part I: A thermodynamic exorcism
Physica A, 307, pp. 405-420 (2002)
66. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Maxwell's demon. Part II: A quantum-theoretic exorcism
Physica A, 307, pp. 421-436 (2002)
67. E.P. Gyftopoulos and M.R. von Spakovsky
Quantum-Theoretic Shapes of Constituents of Systems in Various States
J. Energy Resources and Technology, 1, pp. 1-8 (2003)
68. E.P. Gyftopoulos
A tribute to energy systems scientists and engineers
lnt. J. Thermodynamics, Vol. 6, pp. 49-57 (2003)
69. G.P. Beretta and E.P. Gyftopoulos
J. Chem. Phys., 121, pp. 2718-2728 (2004)
E.P. Gyftopoulos
Entropy: An Inherent, Non-statistical Property of any System in any State
Int. J. Thermodynamics, 9, pp. 107-115 (2006)
71. E.P. Gyftopoulos
Building on the Legacy of Professor Keenan. Entropy An Intrinsic Property
of Matter
in Meeting the Entropy Challenge, An International Thermodynamics Symposium in Honor and Memory of Professor Joseph H. Keenan Held at MIT, October 4-5 (2007), edited by G.P. Beretta, A.F. Ghoniem,
and G.N. Hatsopoulos, AIP Conf. Proc. Series, Vol.1033, pp.124-140 (2008).